CI+ 2.0


CI Plus (CI+) 2.0 is the latest revision of the common interface standard, and provides support for the new USB form factor Conditional Access Modules (CAMS) rather than the previous generation's PCMCIA form factor modules. The 2.0 specification is a profile of the DVB specification approved by the CI+ LLP. The new specification is an extension to the 1.4 version which focuses on the new USB interface.


OBS’ CI+ 2.0 Host software stack is built on our market proven CI+ 1.4 solution, and caters for all the mandatory features of the 1.4 specification with the option of Enhanced Content Protection (ECP) support for UHD content protection.

The stack is fully compatible with both MHEG and HbbTV implementations of the CI+ browser and offers support for the auxiliary file system, for use in conjunction with CAM resident HbbTV applications.

Other optional features of the CI+ specification can be implemented on request.

Interconnects a CAM and Digital Reciever

Security and Encryption

Security and Encryption

Protection of UHD Content

Protection of Premium
UHD Content

CI Plus Browser

CI+ Browser

Backwards Compatibility

The CI+ 2.0 Host stack implementation maintains the capability to build for legacy PCMCIA based CAMs as a compile time option. This is to enable manufacturers to maintain a common code base within their organisation to address different product variations.


CI+ provides manufacturers and content owners with a flexible and secure means of protecting the delivery of premium content direct to consumers TVs. The introduction of the CI+ 2.0 specification propels the standard into the next decade.

The move from PCMCIA to USB enables TV manufacturers to optimise their set designs, potentially reducing costs. Moving away from the PCMCIA form factor also helps to drive wider uptake of CI+ in the STB market where previously the form factor and cost of PCMCIA were prohibitive.

OBS has a proven history in CI+ and is proud to offer manufacturers software solutions meeting the latest market requirements.



Supports the latests ECP TEE requirements, ensuring that 4K UHD content is kept safe and secure.

RTOS --> Linux --> Android


OBS' CI+ 2.0 Host stack can be used with any OS from RTOS, Linux, or Android, and can be integrated with OBS's DVB stack.



OBS is available to support you with CI+ 2.0 from first integration through to certification of your product.


Find Out More

If you would like to know more about Ocean Blue Software's CI+ 2.0 solution, please email: