Within the ever-changing hybrid environment, DTV platforms are becoming more and more complex


Hybrid receivers give operators the opportunity to deliver multifaceted platforms with super-rich content from OTT, VoD and traditional linear broadcast. Intensified competition and decreasing margins means ever-changing technical challenges in the DTV market. At the heart of OBS is an engineering team with a wide range of software capabilities, covering a variety of different fields, and with highly developed skills in current and next generation product deployments and DTV platforms. Whatever your DTV challenge, OBS can advise you on the best strategy to achieve your ambitions.


Today’s digital TV systems contain so many complex technologies, it’s impossible for your team to be experts in all of them.

Our experienced training team tailor courses specifically to your requirements. Whether you’re looking for an accelerated start using DTVKit or a detailed understanding of a DTV standard, or you just want to reinforce the skill set of your team, OBS can help. Courses can be delivered on-site anywhere in the world, or at our headquarters in the UK.